Sunday, February 28, 2010

Temple Procession @ 28.2.2010

It's 'Chap Goh Mei' today (the last day of Chinese new year). Every year of today, there will be a big temple procession going on. As what I know, there are few temples joining this temple in the procession and so it can be considered as one of the most grand one in Malacca.
And this year 2010, I'd pray and to be blessed. :P
And let me share some of my shots with you!

I like this the most! Squeeze into the crowd to shoot this ended up stepping on people's foot! :D

I reach this 7.30 am.

It's the name of the temple.

There are a few photographer and videographer too!

Before the procession starts...

Those 'tag' with this are the seniors in this temple, it's pain u knw?!

And the main focus of the day!