Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2010 Chinese New Year

The prosperity 'lo kam' not Mcd burger!

It seems so fast time has passed.
Once we're all preparing chinese new year (cny) stuffs, cleaning away, shopping away, decorating too!
But now 7 days of cny passed so fast that I don't even notice that time flies when we're indulging in those great times of playing, joking away and enjoying in nice foods :)
For me, I personally treat cny as a big family reunion where each and everyone of us gather together in this festive season, to talk and joke in a very cheerful mood!
To be honest I really don't like travelling or visiting house by house and collect ang pau xD
May be this year I'm already 18, grown up I think, getting tired easily and lazy :)! So I didn't went any place to 'pai nian'..and ended up counting the least ang pau money this year xD Hehe
But never mind as long as I'm happy with it and I spent more great moments with my cousins.
Some snapshots of us to share...!!

The 1st to show cuz I think I look real cool ;) in this photo! I'm in the center.. :P

We're not crazy, is new year mood! :D

Everyone peace to shoot with baby! Where's the baby looking?! =.=''

I'm just kinda tall this year, don't know why??!! xD

Everyone gila mau take picture this year!

What happened?! All not the same actions?! Argh~

Possing with the new born with her pretty mum on the right side!

Always the gila group! xDD

Forcing pretty gal to take pic with him! Aiks~!!

Cousins of all age from 19 to 3 1/2!

Happy family! With our oldest aunt! She looks young u agree?!

Guess what we ate?! Little girl also Slrpp~!!
Daa dang...~!!

So many years din 'lao sang' d!

As for the 1st day at home...
Preparing for steamboat and satay celup for dinner.

Self-made satay celup!

I learned that it's the process of preparing that we share and enjoy and remember deeply, not the product! :)

Overall I had a simple yet joyful chinese new year! What about you?! :X